Thursday, October 1, 2015

stripes on stripes [ how to mix prints ]

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   Outfit Details // Blouse, Urban Outfitters (similar here and here) | Jeans, LOFT (similar here)  |  Sneakers, Converse | Rings, Porter Lyons + Trendz // 

Finding the perfect striped button down can be really tricky.

This button down was the result of months and months of searching which lead me to Urban Outfitters on Decatur in New Orleans. It was also the result of a long day spent in the city shopping and exploring with my boyfriend (he actually likes to shop with me, y'all!!) He knew how long and desperately I had been looking for a button down like this one and he got it for me. 

Print mixing (of the striped variety) can be a huge source of confusion and controversy for the inexperienced, it can be quite intimidating. Due to my minimalist tendencies I don't often make such complicated statements, but when I do I keep these three things in mind. 

Color. Size. Quality. and Direction. 

Always be sure to coordinate the color of your striped clothing item with the rest of your look.

Stripes can be flattering and also very un-flattering. Take into consideration the size of the stripes you choose to wear. If you're petite, wearing too thick of a stripe can overwhelm your figure and make you appear smaller and square.

Before purchasing a striped article of clothing I'm always sure to check the quality of the stripes. Hold up the garment and make sure the stripes are even and match up at the seams. Otherwise you'll appear crooked and unsymmetrical. 

As for direction, the dreaded horizontal stripe myth often comes to mind, but fear not! Stick to smaller/thinner stripes for shirts and tops and bolder/thicker stripes for pants and skirts. 

For a visual example, this slideshow from the Glitter Guide shows you 10 Ways to Wear Stripes on Stripes.

Although UO seems to be fresh out of the particular shirt I wore, I've been keeping an eye on this colored button down and this darker printed one. They're also both on sale! 

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